G-Girl's Rainbow Connection

Sunday, May 14, 2006


We had Rosie, Winnie, and Cricket for dogs. Cricket was very old so she died. Winnie was sick so she died too. Now we only have Rosie. Rosie was lonly so we got Elphie. Rosie and Elphie were fighting. So we found Elphie a home. We took Elphie to her new home it is only a half an hour away from us. We took Rosie to the dog park she hurt something in her leg. Rosie had to have surgery in her leg. She is getting her stittches out on Wensday May 17, 2006. While Rosie was healing we found Oliver (Oli) he is a Golden Doddle. Oli has an infection. He is sooooooo cute.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mothers Day

It's almost Mother's Day!
I am so exited! Me and my sister are planning a special present for my mom. She really wanted to see Nanny Mcphee but it was to late. Now it is coming on DVD! My Daddy is picking up a copy today May 10, 2006. Me and my sister raised the money all by ourselves. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret.

Over the top

Monday, May 08, 2006

My Weekend

My weekend was crazy!
I woke up on friday morning feeling dizzy. I tried to go up the stairs but I couldn't. I had to stop. I couldn't take a step more. My daddy took me to the doctors office for a check-up. My doctor's name was Jer.He checked me all over! He couldn't find a reson to cause the dizzyness.
So he sent me to the the Hospital. I Got an IV. I also got CAT skan. They took my blood pressure a bunch of times.I stayed there over night! My daddy stayed with me all night! My mommy came but she did not sleep with me. I love my parents! "Huggie" my stuffed animal koala Stayed with me all night also. My Grandma came for a while too. Tomorrow it will be Tuseday May 8, 2006. I have to go back to the Doctor. This time my doctor's name is Doctor JJ.
I don't want to go back to the Hospital until I have a child.