G-Girl's Rainbow Connection

Sunday, March 16, 2008

stuff about my life.

dear readers,

first things first so sorry that i have not been writing in a year or so but i will be writing more often from now on. i was recently part of the musical " The World Goes Round" it was thrilling to work with such an amazing director! three cheers for Cindy!!!!!! the show closes today after 12 VERY SUCCESFUL run throughs. I am SO excited for the cast party its a pot luck and i have to bring soda. i hope someone will bring mini chocolate chip muffins!!! :) they are so cute. My cousin Lacie is now almost a year old she is so adorable!! I am almost 11!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! my current best friends are Ra, Em, La, Re, and Jo. I recently taught myself how to pogo stick and me and Ra even made up a game using the pogo! its called pogaling. my record is 171 jumps. write to ya soon!

- G-Girl